Essays in English

How to write an essay correctly in English? Here are some rules to make it easier to write an academic essay in English and your writing will be graded higher by teachers.

Academic essay writing does not generate widespread enthusiasm. I came to this conclusion after several years of observing my students who take academic writing courses. “I don’t like to write, pay for essay is better” is the most frequent reaction. Therefore, it is worth learning a few rules that will make your writing easier, and your essays will be rated higher by teachers.

How to write a good academic essay? Here are some of the most important rules:

1. Use the resources and inform the reader about it.

When you write an academic essay, your main goal is not to present revolutionary new theories. Unless you've come up with one and can prove it convincingly.

Even so, your main goal is to prove that you are well versed in the topic. You can prove this by consulting external sources. Therefore, when writing, you must cite, paraphrase and summarize the content of other authors.

In any case, you can include information about external sources twice:

as a footnote (or a link in the text),

as an entry in the bibliography.

2. Do not forget to create a thesis, which is the basis of an essay written in English.

Each essay, regardless of the type, must contain a thesis statement. A thesis is a statement that will be so detailed and general that you can focus on proving or refuting it throughout your essay.

Thesis organizes the essay and justifies the paragraph division. The thesis should resemble the most important sentence of each paragraph (thematic sentences).

We will return to the dissertation, usually included in the introduction, at the end. You don’t have to repeat this, but you must show the reader that you yourself didn’t forget it when you wrote it.

3. Avoid fat.

Write specifically. Use as little decoration as possible without additional content.

Don't overuse adverbs. Every time you want to use the word "very," think if the reader would notice a difference in meaning if it weren't very much. If you are writing for a long time, give the reader a good reason to spend a lot of time on your arguments.

Remember that you are writing, not speaking. It is in conversation that you need embellishments to give your brain a few more seconds to think about what you are about to say. You don't need to "buy" extra time when you write.

4. Avoid colloquial speech and general words.

Words such as “thing,” “good,” and “bad” can refer to so many concepts that they are often used automatically, out of laziness, or because of the ability to name the concept more accurately.

"Thing" can refer to any state, object, or feeling. "Things" - the informal equivalent of "things" - not only does not carry a definite meaning, but also enters the reader into the register of the spoken language.

5. Use punctuation marks as pointers to the reader.

In addition to a set of rules describing the use of commas, there is a common sense of the pause breath principle. A good test is to read aloud what you have written. The commas should appear where you take short (and logical) pauses to catch your breath.

Commas, despite appearances, are an inexhaustible resource. Do not replace them in random places with dashes. Hyphens, which are much more common in Polish than in English, are commonly used to introduce indentations.

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Additional Resources:

Abstract formatting

How to Write better

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